Book Snips...

Chapter 1


While most of us can recognize our surface problems, it is usually a big challenge to harness these and successfully manage them.  Let’s use the image of an octopus representing the problem of sugar addiction.  It’s not enough to see the octopus head poking out of the sea.  You must locate the tentacles of the problem that lie under the surface.  The origins of some tentacles of sugar addiction are buried deep in the ocean of the subconscious mind and although hidden from sight, send up emotional messages that connect to current life experiences. 

When parts of a problem are not identified, it is often difficult to make a good plan for recovery or to find ways to implement it.  Even when the problems and it’s parts are identified, there is still the matter of staying motivated and persisting through obstacles for the seemingly never ending periods of time necessary to manage addictions or to solve other lifestyle changes.   

Chapter 2


Lynn’s question helps us to see the problem from many different aspects.  She speaks of her problem with sugar, her family medical history, as well as her family addictions history.  While all of this is important, what sings out are her beliefs, especially whether or not prevention is possible because of the genetics.  As people learn to take care of their genetic “wallpaper”, prevention is indeed possible.

  It is so important to clear the air here.  Yes, we are born on the path of our path of our predecessors, but we are each given the opportunity to change our outer and inner experiences.  Lynn does not have to be a heroin addict, nor does she have to be a diabetic.  Her child does not have to experience the level of sugar addiction that Lynn is experiencing if her child builds new choices now.  This is achieved by introducing health lifestyle behaviors designed to meet her family and personal medical history.  Lynn will need high level nutrition, a good communication system with her body, a way to manage her emotions, and a goal plan for persisting through obstacles.  

Chapter 3

Preparing to lick sugar addiction and make healthy lifestyle changes involves a very special kind of planning.  This planning means that you will be needing information about yourself that may not be in your current memory bank, but waiting for you in your subconscious mind library.  Some of these things will pertain to your family of origin, as well as from your own health history starting from the time you were a child and up through today.  You will also be reclaiming memory files about your beliefs, how you got them and whether or not they are blocking your recovery from addiction.

 In this chapter you will learn how to access this information and utilize for healing as well as for heightened creativity and goal achievement.  This special work is called Your Personal Assessment and as you continue working through the book you will be referring back to this area.

 You will be needing power tools for this work and will receive instructions for utilizing them as you work through your assessment.  They include Interactive Awareness, Mental Biofeedback and, Interactive Self-Hypnosis.   As with any other skill building, the more you practice the better you get and the better you get, the more information will be made available to you by your subconscious librarian.

Chapter 4

 Perhaps no other illness touches as many people as that of addiction. I am convinced that addicts are born with a tendency towards addiction and the sooner the addiction-prone individual faces that reality, the better the chance of recovery and building an enriched life.

This book is a tool designed to help you discover and break free from your addictions and regain control of your life.  Many people don't like the word "addict" as it conjures up rather nasty images that conflict with how one likes to view oneself.   This special self is known as the false self, how you would like people to view you. 

As you work through this book you will become familiar with your own false self, and learn to view it with compassion, forgiveness and love.    As you do so you will be given access to your subconscious mind programs and be able to edit many aspects of your false self, enabling you to become more authentic.  The authentic self is a healthy self that walks the road to high level achievement.  You will also come to understand that your basic physiology, your genetic wallpaper, is responsible for your addictions and that this is truly not about your false self.  As you wake up and begin caring for yourself at higher levels, your authentic self will step forward right then and there without further ado.

Chapter 5

Jon:  I have failed so many times at making lifestyle changes.  There is a part of me that doesn't even want to read this book.  It is so difficult for me to concentrate and I'm overwhelmed with what I have to do.  I've not felt well for years.  How can I get a handle on all of this?

 Jon's problem is all too familiar in the world of chronic disease and symptom management.  It is often labeled helpless and hopeless by those who experience it.  The problems appear very big and insurmountable, like a large mountain with sides too steep to climb.    If you look up this mountain you can see people that are climbing successfully.  Those are rock climbers and they have special hooks that they place into the crevices they find.  These hooks hold their ropes and allow them to get a footing. In this work you will be like these rock climbers.  The knowledge hooks will help you to move forward one step at a time.  You will find hooks for the many aspects of high level nutrition, hooks for managing emotions and thoughts, as well as those for planting goals.  Jon had been viewing the mountain as a whole, feeling helpless as he stood at the bottom looking up to the summit.   This work takes his focus off the helplessness,  to the  knowledge hook and the crevice where it is planted.    

Chapter 6

Keys for managing sugar addiction, eating disorder and healthy lifestyle change include paying attention to details and examining moments in transition, designing and building new disciplines and motivations.   This chapter is about paying attention to the many aspects of the food connection and moving in the direction of change.    It's not enough to know what to eat and what not to eat.  The knowledge alone holds little motivation for the long- haul discipline  needed to achieve permanent success.  

Self-discipline walks hand in hand with inner motivation.  You already have the coupling of these in your subconscious mind in the form of past successful experiences.  The tools you are utilizing will allow you to access these and apply them to managing the different aspects of your sugar addiction.  You will also be able to mentor off of these, building new programs with inner creativity tools.  This book is providing knowledge, some new and some old, but perhaps forgotten.  Just knowing something is not enough.  The world is filled with people who know things, but don’t act.  Knowledge must be contained and organized into a plan of action.  Then one must step into the action.


You will begin seeing the knowledge you are gathering in the different areas of this book as having hooks, similar to coat hooks.  After locating or designing your motivations, you will be asked to hang them on the knowledge hooks.  There are different kinds of motivations.   Some will  motivate you  towards a positive or reward experience.    Others will motivate you away from positive experience and towards  negative ones.  The levels of positive or negative motivation can be enhanced or diminished.  Here you will gain the tools to do this yourself, thereby taking charge of your own mind programming.     Both types of motivation can work well, but what tends to work best in the majority of people is a balanced approach. .  

Chapter 7


There is tremendous power in awareness and waking up from automatic pilot.  As your awareness is heightened, new choices will appear almost magically.   Change and lifestyle change in particular is often perceived as being difficult, if not impossible.  While there may be some obstacles to overcome, if the new chosen behavior is imaged with powerful, positive emotional states and then placed hypnotically,  the journey miles will be very different.  

Lifestyle change means what it says.  This is not something temporary, but permanent.  This alone scares people who prefer to hang on to what they know, even if it is not working or is truly detrimental to their health.  You can see examples of this without even looking very hard.  In fact, why not look right inside yourself and find some very personal examples.

Earlier you learned about your family and personal medical history and how it connects to sugar and carbohydrate issues and how they connect to weight gain or yo-yoing.  While it is important for everyone to pay attention to eating habits, it is paramount for those with sugar, carbohydrate or any other addiction.  Not to do so is flirting with disaster in the present, as well as down the path.  Make no mistake, every meal is important and can either take you towards chronic killer disease or towards a very high level of health and performance.  

Chapter 8

Once you begin to be super-aware of the amount of hidden sugar you have been consuming, as well as how it connects up to your emotions and level of  achievement, the next step is a visit to the supermarket.  As you walk around observing through “new eyes”, it seems like sugars, highly processed foods and high-glycemics are the only ones available, but a closer will reveal healthier choices that will even enhance your previously made plan and shopping list.  You are now gaining control in one of the more challenging areas that you must confront in your freedom from addiction journey.

Believe it or not, you will come to love this feeling and this will be a new inner motivator for you.  You will no longer be at the mercy of the food manufacturers, fancy labels, packaging and other advertising gimmicks.  In fact you will wake up to their “game” and feel your confidence growing.

 Your goal is to educate yourself and work at providing high level balanced nutrition for yourself and your family.  You know full well that by taking action now, you are avoiding major problems down the road.  You also know that by taking action now you can utilize your mind in more productive ways, and this is very motivating.  

Chapter 9

Planning is important, as is attention to detail.  Success is found in self-observation that is heightened by  Interactive Awareness and then deciding what needs to change.  It’s usually a matter of many small changes that are just like pennies.  They add up!

 It’s not uncommon for people to balk at committing to change.  This is known as resistance, but the work you are doing here with Interactive Awareness and Self-Hypnosis is helping you to bypass the old roadblocks and to actually learn from them.

Designing a new eating plan is relatively simple. This is usually a surprise to many, especially those who followed different diet regimes throughout their life.  Your new eating plan  is not about dieting, but learning to think about what you body needs, translating this into planning with "food groups."  In the previous chapter you learned about these.   Although all information in this book is based on healthy eating and behavior building, it is always best to check with your physician about any lifestyle changes especially dietary change and exercise.    


The body and mind offer clues through hunger signals  and energy levels.  Ferocious appetite, low energy and poor concentration are often related to periods of low blood sugar, or reactive hypoglycemia.  When you eat what your body needs regularly and in the correct amounts, your body will deliver a manageable hunger level at meal time.  The hunger should be sufficient, allowing you to consume enough food to take you through to your next meal or disciplined snack. 

You should be eating every three and a half to four hours.  As you begin your recovery plan from sugar addiction, you may experience some breakthrough hunger, but this usually subsides in a day or so.  In those moments you can certainly eat a bit more protein, but also take the opportunity to look back at your last two meals, noticing if they were well balanced, containing sufficient amounts.

 Sugar addicted individuals tend to graze, usually on high glycemic or refined  carbohydrates.  The more one grazes, the more the blood sugars go up and down.  Even sipping on diet soda or coffee can cause fluctuating blood sugars, as both beverages trigger insulin production.  While some grazing is caused by true hunger resulting from low blood sugars, much of it is simply a bad habit or poor self-care discipline.  Once you come to know which is which, you can correct it, either with a better food plan or with   Interactive Self-Hypnosis mind programs, emotional management and inner motivation.  

Chapter 10

Lynn:  I’ve noticed that when I am eating lots of sugar foods my body is filled with tension.  I’m a runner and areas of old injury hurt more on these days.  Perhaps the most frightening part is that I have an underlying anxiety that doesn’t seem to be connected to anything that is going on in my life.  I just feel awful.  I would like to understand what is happening and why.  Knowledge is definitely motivational for me.

In this chapter you will begin to understand more about listening to your body communications.  Lynn is ahead of the game.  She has already noticed that her body speaks a different language when her diet is inferior.  More than likely the underling general anxiety is the reactive hypoglycemia.  In Chapter One you learned how food stress changes your biochemistry.  Now you will begin to see those Knowledge Hooks as they appear in your own body and mind.  Remember that it is not enough just to know something.  You must go the next step and join in the action.

KNOWLEDGE HOOK Working with Mental Biofeedback and Body Scanning  

Most of us are familiar with the term "biofeedback".  Individuals are hooked up to a special machine and taught relaxation techniques that help the body to maintain a healthy blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc.   The person can see the special screen that shows their progress.  This type of training can be very empowering as the mind and body connection is personally experienced. This is especially important for individuals caught up in stress reaction that can be dangerous to health outcomes.

Body scanning is mental biofeedback.  There is no need to be hooked up to  a machine to change the  way your body functions.  Obviously this holds a big advantage because in any moment in time, the person practicing mental biofeedback can change a mind or body outcome.  There are also other advantages.  As one learns to observe the momentary body sensations over a period of time, the body sensation patterns become clear. One can see how they are attached to particular emotional states, or perhaps other triggers such as situations or even relationships.  Another advantage is the feeling of self-confidence in being able to change an unpleasant or frightening sensation right there in the moment whether it be peaking or just beginning to build.  As one becomes more practiced in the skills of mental biofeedback, it becomes easier to catch the body sensations at earlier moments, when it is much easier to diminish or release them.  This is extremely empowering and later on you will learn many applications for doing this.

Chapter 11

Interactive Awareness is the overarching umbrella for the many wake-up tools you are learning.  In the last chapter you worked with mental biofeedback, also known as body scanning.  Now that you have experience with cell manager communication, you are ready for your next  “containment”, that of emotional and thought management.  You will also meet up with the emotional crayons that color your experiences. 

These are powerful holistic tools that allow you to manage sugar addiction right in the moment, as well as in every nook and cranny of your life.   Learning to work with these will move right you out of automatic pilot and into the moment where new choices are available in your subconscious filing system.   There are many benefits to working with mind tools.  For example, the skill of Interactive Awareness allows you to practice the art of detachment from the presenting moment and emotions.  In detachment you are no longer participating in the moment, but come to it as an observer.  As such, you are able to look very closely at what is unfolding, just as if you were the producer/director of a this very moment in time.  You are no longer the actor and your subconscious mind responds very differently to this mental/physiological shift.  For a start, stress chemicals are turned down as the physiology waits for emotional direction.  From the position of producer/director, it is much easier to take off your self-judging eyeglasses & to see through different perceptions, that are much clearer.  The producer/director’s job is to see all the details, so changes can be made & the production will be successful. 

Chapter 12

The four steps of this program are equally important, but the order of progression is also important.  Disorderly eating is like any other disorder or mess, and we get out of this in the same way.  First we wake up, and then we bring organization to all of the facets. 

Disorderly eating rarely lives alone. When one area of a life is in disarray, you won’t have to look far to find another.  Disorder and stress go hand in hand, bringing imbalance to the mind and body.  Addictions become the easy answer for managing the discomfort.  We can grow to like, even love them, and like other bad relationships, they can consume us. It is important to understand that while we may have genetic tendencies towards addictions, we do have choices in the matter.  We can choose to stop.

Changing disorderly life patterns and addictions means giving up those dangerous relationships while managing stress in new ways.  This is where most people make their mistake when looking to stop smoking, drinking, bingeing, etc.  First order of business is to have a very good stress management program in place, one that includes the four steps of this program. 

Managing emotions is key to managing addictions and disorder.  From the time you were born, you have been developing your own brand of emotional-patterning.   Some of the patterns have been heavily etched and are super-automatic. You may have mentored some of these from others, especially when you were very young and more sponge-like.  At that time of life you absorbed everything, even if you didn't like it or agree to it.  A good exercise is to become aware of what you dislike, or what annoys you about your parents or siblings, then look for those in yourself.  You can do the same exercise with your significant other relationship, or your relationship with your children.  Try the same mind game with your work relationships.  They  will be there as well.  It's not uncommon to be blind to one's own patterns, as well as to the emotional states that automatically attach to them.   

Chapter 13

There is an additional benefit to paying attention to already formulated automatic pilot programs.  They have self-discipline already ingrained through the continuous etching or repeating of the habit.  Ingrained self-discipline is like gold waiting to be discovered,  asking to be utilized in a creative way.    You are now ready to capture this gold through the use of Pods.  Pods are very special interactive self-hypnotic images that encourage the subconscious mind to participate in your life self-discipline.

Pods are like rooms that hold the particular discipline or activity.  These can be automatic pilot activities or those that are especially important for initiating a lifestyle change, or for enhancing health and performance. They are particularly important for the management of disorderly eating and addictions.  Health and performance Pods can include breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, teeth care, exercise, water, meditation.  When you set and work with a Pod, the subconscious mind sees this as a very important focus and will work in a creative manner within the Pod.  The inner mind will help program the mind for change, bringing forth details that might have slipped through the cracks.  The subconscious will also make creative suggestions, some of which can be very serendipitous.  

 Chapter 14

Learning how to become aware of emotional states is imperative to Licking Sugar Addiction and self-management in all areas of life.  You learned in the area of Interactive Awareness that in this book you will be working with images, picturing emotional states as little children, wearing tee shirts with their names on the front and each child having their own personalized box of crayons that they use to color your experiences.  This type of imagery will allow you to work with any emotion outside of yourself from the position of producer/director.  This gives you more power both mentally and physiologically.

  It also helps to understand that you are not your emotions. Emotions are simply a part of you that needs management, even if they are acting out in a positive way.  Your emotions spend their day coloring your experiences.  Sometimes the colors work well and other times not so well.   On occasion the crayon colors are too heavy and other times too light.  And if the emotion holds the crayon too tight, or presses too hard the crayon can break and you might experience this as a complete loss of control of your emotional self.

Hopefully you have been practicing Interactive Awareness out in the real world and have been spotting some pretty interesting emotional states and their crayons.  Remember, the more you are willing to see, the better for you.  


Working with emotional states is a skill just like anything else.  We have emotions that work in a positive way for us, and others that don’t.  These are often called negative emotions, but it’s important to keep in mind that even negative ones also have their good points and can be useful in certain situations.  You’ll come to understand that these emotions can help to open the subconscious mind through releasing. 

When looking at emotional states it’s a good idea to know that there are hundreds of them.  Few people can name more than twenty. .  Some emotions are experienced as having negative high-power such as anger.  You also have positive high-powered emotions as well, for example ecstasy could be considered in that group.  You also have negative lower-powered emotions, for example annoyance and  on the positive side you might consider the emotion of being pleasant.  Sometimes the momentary experience is about the choice of emotion and other times it’s about the intensity of the crayoning.  

In this section of the book you will receive many advanced mind management tools to help open your subconscious mind, as well as place even more detailed programs into your inner file cabinet..  Like all tools, these are meant to be utilized and not to be left on the shelf to get rusty.  You already know it's not enough to read about things, simply expecting them to happen.  You must take appropriate action, while managing your mind and body connection in order to etch new programs into place.   The more skilled you become, the better your outcomes. 

Mind tools have been utilized in the practice of medicine for thousands of years and continue to be utilized in top Universities of the world.  There is a special area of medicine called psycho-neuro-immunology, PNI for short, that encompasses research in the area of mind and body medicine.   


Imagery, or the thoughts you play in your mind are everything.  They are the crux of how you experience your body, your environment, your relationship to yourself and to others, as well as your spiritual life.  You image continually like a VCR that is never turned off.  Unfortunately, the most common imagery consists of negative, non-trusting, insecure, failure-orientated, worrisome, highly judgmental inner radio and visuals.  These images are often followed by behaviors that match the program blueprints, thereby reinforcing the negative mind programs.  You are now in the processes of exploring change and transforming your own existing images into ones that form  the basis for managing your sugar addiction, eating disorder or any other problems and taking you towards optimum health and performance.  

Chapter 15

We all begin our life walk with our very own, unique first step, but you have come to know that while this may be your first walking step, every experience in your entire life will have a first step as well.  Tune into the world and you will hear lots of moaning and groaning about having to begin all over again.   If you take a moment to dissect these complaints, you will find the errors in these thought patterns, for the truth of the matter is that every experiential moment begins in a different place on the life path.   Even the experience of failure is simply a step in a different direction.  Later on as we explore the subject of failure, you will come to find that it really isn’t a bad thing, but quite a good one.   We are surrounded with teachers on these subjects.  Take toddlers for example.  We can learn quite a bit from them.   Observe what happens when they fall down. They may cry or not, but then they get up, center themselves, look around at their immediate environment and then look towards where they want to go.

Your own breath is your teacher in residence.   As you learn to observe it, you will begin to find that each inhalation and exhalation is different from the one before. Therefore we do know how to live with ongoing change.  This realization can help you to shift out of the fear surrounding change,  into action.    So following the lead of your breath and the toddler, let’s go forward.


The tools you have learned so far are multi-faceted and work to reduce stress just by their sheer presence.   The slowing of your brain waves is called deepening trance.  You already know how to reach the alpha brain wave state right in the moment and even when others are around.  When the brain waves are altered the body becomes balanced. This is called homeostasis. Your blood pressure normalizes, as does your heart and hormones. This act of mental shifting begins changes within every cell and also delivers you to the door of your subconscious mind that is located at the alpha brain wave level.

Chapter 16

Changing lifestyle patterns is like taking a journey.  First comes the decision and commitment to the journey, followed by the planning and the unfolding of the experiences.  We enjoy some parts, detest others and sit in amazement as the unexpected takes on a life of it’s own.   As we look with soft eyes it is clear that each experience carried with it the gift of knowledge.  We tend to be asleep more than awake.  If we practice waking up more frequently, the number of experiences will mount.  Since each one carries the gift of knowledge, our goal is to stay awake as much as possible, working as well to unraveling our past experiences, of course looking for the gifts for they are there, in the vault of the subconscious mind.   In the last chapter you set up gardens on your goal-den path.  You met up with your Master Gardener and your Higher Self, learned something about weeds, your early belief systems along with ways to change past self-image and esteem programming.  Now you are going to locate old subconscious mind files that are filled with all kinds of gifts to help you manage your addiction issues and your life balance.  You are also going to design future mind programs to plant in your gardens.

Interactive Awareness and Self-Hypnosis can be utilized in hundreds of creative ways.  Throughout this book you have been working with many of these and now you will experience some of the more creative ones.  Keep in mind that each and every moment holds opportunities for practice and for re-programming the subconscious mind.  As you begin to truly wake up to this extraordinary power that you have in place, you can become overwhelmed.   Therefore it is a good idea to set some goals for building skill levels, for programming awareness and also for etching new subconscious mind programs.  

Chapter 17


Change is always a matter of choice.  Awareness or knowledge is usually not enough to motivate change.  As you walk through the workshop of the world you will hear people who have identified their problems, but not the tentacles under the surface, and have no motivational or action programs to propel them into the actual desire to change.  Sometimes they will begin, but if the programs for persistence and consistency are missing from their tools belts, they will end up quitting at the first road-block opportunity.  You might even notice that they appear “happy” to see the road-block, as they have been looking for some excuse along the path to assist in their rationalization of not pushing forward.  You will hear it in their language and see it in their expressions, both big and small.  If you look closely you might see a secondary emotion underneath the presenting one.  For example, in the heat of rationalization look for a glimmer in the eye, or a small “almost smile” sitting on the lips.  You may have even felt this in one of your moments! 

The higher your awareness, the easier it is to keep the path clear and to stay open to choice.  Keep in mind that both conscious and subconscious thought can lead you down the path of unimaginable incredible success if you so choose.  Affirmations, or self-talk help to keep the path clear and aid in the heightening of awareness.  These mini-mind programs that can be utilized independently of other programs.  For instance, if you want to build motivation in a particular garden, you might work with affirmations designed for that particular goal.  There are thousands of affirmations already written and ready to be planted.  Your local bookstore is filled with choices for you.  But, once again, it is not enough to simply read or have knowledge.  It’s like holding a packet of seeds in your hand.  No matter how long you hold it, the flowers will never grow there.  They have to be planted and nurtured.  

Chapter 18

Your subconscious mind is vast, but very organized.  In the last chapter you began to work with in the inner library and in so doing you were actually working on your time line.  The time line concept can be designed to meet your belief system.  If you believe in past life regression you might have a time line that goes back many centuries, as well as forward through those yet to unfold.   However, for the purpose of this books book time time-lines will be considered from the moment of birth, to that of death.

Take a piece of paper and simply draw a line.  On one end place the word “birth” and on the other “death.”   Somewhere on your line is this very moment, “the now.”  Everything that happened before “now” is your past, and forward is your future.  It’s a simple as that. 

You are meandering on this time line each moment you are involved in talking or thinking about the past, the present, the now or the future.  However most of these moments are on automatic pilot and not designed for specific goal achievement.  In fact as you begin to wake up to more of these,  you might find that you are working against your desired goals instead of going towards them.

The time-line can offer tremendous value to our self-development and certainly to the goal of managing addictions, as well as eating disorders.   Throughout this book you have been in contact with your time-line, even in the very first chapters and your personal assessment.  But now you are ready to apply some additional exercises that will benefit all areas of your goal-den path. 

Chapter 19

The dream state is an additional and very powerful way to program the mind for change.  There are many kinds of dreams including waking and sleeping varieties. You already have some of the tools in place for dream programming.  Earlier in this program you learned how to practice Awareness Meditation, and it was suggested that you "fractionate" your day with practice. You learned that following a period of fractionation, your mind would be at the alpha brain wave level, and that by simply tilting your eyes up about 20 degrees you could place a goal picture on the mind screen.  Goals can be anything you desire, and the desire to access or remember dreams is simply another type of goal that you can program during waking states, and especially before going to sleep at night when your brain waves are very receptive to suggestion.

Sometimes it takes weeks for suggestions to take hold, but if this is your mission, certainly keep planting the suggestions, and preferably following a period of Awareness Meditation fractionation. A good idea is to put an affirmation on your desk, or in several areas of your home or workplace. A suggestion for an appropriate affirmation could be, "I remember my dreams clearly." "I wake to remember my dreams." "My dream recollections are clear to me." 

Reiterating suggestions such as these several times a day, coupled with "seeing yourself in your mind’s eye remembering dreams easily," and further energizing this picture, makes it clear to the subconscious mind that you do want to remember your dream states. On a side note, following this suggestion or inner command, you may find yourself waking in the middle of the night, or very early in the morning as a particular dream finishes. Keep a dream diary by the side of your bed, or a simple note pad will suffice for writing images or messages from the subconscious mind. These notes or clues will help to trigger further memories later on.  

Chapter 20